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Campus Compact of Oregon

Contact Information

620 SW 5th Avenue
Portland, OR 97204

(503) 406-3575

Focus Areas

  • Community & Nonprofit Development
  • Education & Youth

Campus Compact of Oregon convenes and supports the work of educational institutions individually and collectively to improve their practice around institutional equity, collaborative learning, and community engagement to respond effectively to a racially diverse and changing Oregon.

  • About Us
    Campus Compact supports college campuses, K12 schools, and education nonprofits to engage college students in service and civic engagement in ways that address educational inequities and work to dismantle the systemic causes of those inequities. Through national service programs, faculty and administrator development, presidential convening, student leadership development, and service programming we build our collective capacity to work together on creating a more equitable system of education in Oregon.
  • Our Impact
    Direct programming impact may include increased access to information and supports for college application, scholarships, success, and graduation; Increased capacity to implement community-engaged learning opportunities; and deeper analysis and interventions to address systemic barriers to racial justice and equity.

Positions at Campus Compact of Oregon

Campus Compact of Oregon Programs

College Access Corps

Established in 2014, in partnership with Washington Campus Compact, the College Access Corps is grant funded by the Corporation for National and Community Service (CNCS). College Access Corps supports local economically disadvantaged youth to become engaged in their education, learn more about the post-secondary pathways, including application and financial aid processes, and become empowered to pursue the pathway of their choice. Having a post-secondary path is a critical tool to break the cycle of poverty and improve the health and welfare of low income children, their families and communities. Many youth who have been labeled low-income, youth of color or first-generation youth lack the historical privilege and social capital to effectively prepare for and navigate a post-secondary pathway of their choice. Furthermore, low-income youth of color and first-generation youth also face institutional racism and growing educational opportunity gaps within primary and secondary educational institutions. College Access Corp is looking for motivated, energetic candidates who can use their passion for racial equity, social justice, and education to recruit college students to serve as College Access Coaches for K12 youth of color, first-generation youth and economically disadvantaged youth. This full-time 10.5-month AmeriCorps program with 15 sites across the State of Oregon is a great opportunity to improve the lives of target youth, deepen the college experience of the coaches, and build campus-community partnerships that strengthen educational outcomes for low-income youth.


Connect2Complete serves both community colleges and K12 schools. Connect2Complete Community Colleges is focused on improving graduation rates for Oregon community college students through community-engaged learning and peer advocacy. Connect2Complete Community College empowers students in developmental education classes to complete their required coursework more quickly, reach their educational goals, and ultimately graduate with a certificate or degree. Connect2Complete K12 is focused on improving attendance rates and school engagement in K12 schools through mentorship and cultivating a positive school environment. Connect2Complete K12 members work closely with school staff to create and implement interventions to address chronic absenteeism. Education is a critical tool to break the cycle of poverty and improve the health and welfare of low-income communities. Many low-income students lack the historical privilege and social capital to effectively navigate the education system. This becomes even more clear when you focus on low-income students of color who also face institutional racism and a growing educational opportunity gap. ORCC is looking for motivated, energetic candidates who can use their passion for social justice, equity, and education to serve on our Connect2Complete team to empower Oregon’s low-income students, with a specific focus on students of color.


Established in 2007 through a partnership with the Corporation for National and Community Service, the Campus Compact of Oregon AmeriCorps VISTA program enables colleges, universities and community organizations to develop equitable community-engaged programming that increases educational access and success for students from low-income backgrounds and communities of color. Using an equity lens, VISTAs with Campus Compact build capacity for college campuses and organizations to increase access to educational resources to alleviate poverty based on community-identified issue areas. Program Goals Develop programming to address K-12 and college access and success for low-income students; ​Engage first generation and low-income college students in critical, poverty reducing activities; Build relationships and partnerships between their institutions and the surrounding community; Increase civic engagement on college campuses and in the communities they serve; Implement campus and community wide service days; Promote racial justice and educational equity; Provide leadership development, training, support and reflection activities for volunteers.​ Campus Compact of Oregon VISTA Equity Statement ​​We know that a college education is a critical tool to break the cycle of poverty and improve the health and welfare of low-income communities. Many low-income students lack the historical privilege and social capital to effectively navigate the college application and financial aid process. This becomes even more clear when you focus on low-income students of color who also face institutional racism and a growing educational opportunity gap. Campus Compact of Oregon is looking for motivated, energetic candidates who can use their passion for social justice, equity, and education to serve on our VISTA Team to empower Oregon’s low-income students, with a specific focus on students of color.

Featured Positions
AmeriCorps VISTA Leader